Thursday, October 26, 2006

tEam bUilding, PD (Part II) - Treasure Hunt, Obstacle course and Telematching

The first game for the team building is Treasure Hunt. Since 2 cars lost their direction, we only had 13 participants for the game, ie. 3 - 4 persons in a team. We were required to find out the clue in a white paper and answer the question or find out the treasure as mentioned. Then go to the next destination for the next clue. Luckily my team is the winner!! We won ourselves a T-shirt and key chain. ^-^ V

After our lunch break, we had the obstacle and telematching courses. The obstacle course is quite challenging and interesting. There are a total of 20 obstacles in different stations. Each team must work together to clear all the following obstacles safely and also in the shortest time:

  1. 2ft singe bar - jump across
  2. 6ft double bar - climb up /down the bar
  3. swinging bridge - walk across and balancing
  4. tyre king - rawl through
  5. crab walk - ran through balancing
  6. loft tunnel - crawling through
  7. staggered ladder - climb up/down
  8. 6ft wall - individual climb across
  9. 8ft wall - team effort - climb across
  10. water hazard - jump across
  11. rope netting - climb up/down - across
  12. loft vertical rope - climb down hill
  13. single beam - walk across
  14. tarzan swing - swing across water hazard
  15. monkey rack - swing across
  16. barb wire - crawl through under bard wire
  17. single cable - walk across on cable
  18. barb wire 3ft - duck walk across
  19. log riding - sit sliding along the log
  20. jump over ditch - jump across

*Challenging obstacles are in BOLD.

Don't know what does it called..??

Log riding. This is easy for guys...

Tarzan swing...

Barb wire

8ft wall

6ft wall

loft vertical rope

After the obtacle course, all became dirty and some of us are injured.

After the obstacle course, we had telematch. This is much more easier if compared with the obstacle course. Most of us are tired and exhausted. Luckily there's only few games for the telematch, and doesn't required much energy. We had about 2 hours for bathing and resting before our BBQ dinner started.

Our dinner... the food looks nice but mostly tasteless.


jOeY said...

mooncake, u r absolutely right!

urfriend, thanks for dropping by. You'll definitely have fun there. Just enjoy urself. :D

R33F said...

OMG!! 8ft wall!! How do i get my overweight ass over it?? I'm due for a team building exercise there this january! Too late going on a diet now.. :(