Tuesday, October 10, 2006

mOOn cAke fEstivaL

How did I celebrate? Initially planned to have big meal with my housemates. But I worked late that day... =( 5pm... 6pm... 7pm... Still in the office. sigh...
While waiting for my team lead to solve some server issue, I took some photos with my teammates.

Finally we can leave at 7:10pm... phew!!! Anyhow I was late for the dinner, so have to cancel the plan. Eventually 'yum cha' with my 'old' friends.

In the following day there was a belated celebration in church. Pot luck, lanterns, moon cakes... It has been years that I didn't manage to enjoy this kind of atmosphere. ^-^

Can you see the Jade Rabbit or Chang-Er on the moon?? ^-^


jOeY said...

HAHA... Lazy to write... lazy lazy...

Dragon City said...

that was a moon?? i tot it was a torchlight...hahaha.. = p

jOeY said...

hahah.. Moon la!